Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Lose Weight Through Nutrition

Are you looking for that solid bod? Are you planning on working out and getting that slim, defined, swim suit figure by summer?

Without a proper nutrition plan, it just won't happen, at least not this year. In order to really shred the weight, you need to first rewire your brain from thinking that pizza, fast food and TV dinners are simple and easy solution for a quick meal. Eating healthy is just as simple and doesn't take much more time for preparation and cooking. In the 45 minute wait you have for the pizza man, you could have grilled salmon, asparagus, and a side salad of arugula or spinach, all before the pizza even arrives at the door. Remember that in order to slim down fast you need to increase your protein (chicken, salmon, & turkey) intake and eliminate your bad carbohydrates (breads, rice, boxed foods, etc) intake. 

With the combination of exercise and proper nutrition, make sure to eat 5-6 small meals a day to keep you metabolism running on all cylinders to insure optimal performance. You will start to feel hungry more often but remember that your focus is to lose weight, so don't just go out and binge. If you find yourself getting hungry reach for a carrot, a stick of celery, or drink a tall glass of water to curb your appetite until your next meal or snack. There are many substitutions for things you love that are healthy for you and you might be surprised that it just might end up being your new favorite meal. 

Take turkey burger for example:
Make your  burger patty from ground turkey. Mix the turkey with some dijon mustard and worcestershire sauce. Grill burger and melt low fat mozzarella on patty and top with avocado (No Bun but can substitute for two lettuce leafs or just eat without) and serve with a side salad with non fat dressing (1-2 teaspoons). Tasty dinner that doesn't take a lot of work. Remember to drink a glass of water before a larger meal to help you feel fuller and to help over eating.

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